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Respite care plays a crucial role in supporting families by offering temporary breaks to caregivers, allowing them to recharge and take care of their own well-being. See how Family Respite Care of Nevada provides services to thousands of people across northern Nevada.

What is Respite Care?

A common question we get asked at Family Respite Care of Nevada is, “what is respite care and how does it work?”

Respite care is a form of temporary and short-term care provided to individuals with special needs, disabilities, or medical conditions, typically to offer relief and support to their primary caregivers. The primary purpose of respite care is to give caregivers a break from their caregiving responsibilities, allowing them to rest, recharge, and attend to their own needs.

Whether it’s providing caregivers with an opportunity for a night out, a chance to rest, or simply some time for personal activities, respite care is instrumental in supporting the overall well-being of both caregivers and individuals with special needs.

Truly Remarkable!

The dedication of volunteers who have contributed more than 100,000 hours of service to provide respite care for families in Northern Nevada is a testament to the strength of community support and the impact of collective efforts. Volunteers play a crucial role in respite care services, offering their time, skills, and compassion to make a positive difference in the lives of both caregivers and individuals with special needs.

All About Respite+

Respite+, a comprehensive approach to care that goes beyond the traditional notion of respite care. It encompasses creating a safe and accepting environment for children, nurturing their growth, fostering trust, and building meaningful relationships. Additionally, it involves connecting families with the necessary community resources, advocating on their behalf, and providing support not only to caregivers and their child or children with special needs but also to their siblings.

By offering support, advocacy, and a sense of community, Respite+ goes beyond temporary relief for caregivers and strives to create a lasting positive impact on the well-being of all family members.

Having just a few hours here and there to rest, recenter, or even run an errand is more valuable than gold. I’m so grateful for Family Respite Care and the amazing staff there.

Family Member
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Care for Children, Teens, Young Adults

Family Respite Care of Nevada is not merely a child-sitting service but an organization that goes beyond, actively contributing to the development of children and the well-being of families. By providing tailored support when needed, the organization plays a crucial role in building stronger and more resilient family units. Family Respite Care of Nevada has three center-based programs catering to children from three months to 22 years old. With an emphasis on providing a safe and accepting environment, along with a commitment to nurturing growth, fostering peer relationships, and developing social skills, highlights a inclusive approach to respite care.

Family Respite Care has helped us be a family again. We’re able to get things done around the house, have date nights, go to appointments and so much more with the respite care they provide. Just having those few hours of relief each week has helped our family tremendously.

Family Member