Our mission is to improve the well-being of families in Nevada by providing free respite care to caregivers who have children with special needs. This service is essential, offering caregivers a much-needed break from their responsibilities. Our respite care services cater to both young and adult children with developmental and physical disabilities, including autism, mental and behavioral challenges, as well as children in foster and adoptive care. Additionally, we extend our services to the traditionally developing siblings who reside in the home.
Did You Know?
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Developmental Disabilities, approximately one in six children in the United States have one or more developmental disabilities or delays. In Nevada, the Department of Education reports that there are over 61,000 students with an individualized education plan (IEP), a document designed for students with special needs, which qualifies them for respite services.
Dynamic Center & Community-Based Programs
At Family Respite Care of Nevada, we deliver center and community-based programs designed to offer essential respite care to families tending to children, youth, and young adults with developmental and physical disabilities. This includes individuals with autism, mental and behavioral challenges, as well as those in foster or adoptive care. Our support services extend not only to the child with special needs but also to their siblings residing with them at home. Recognizing the demands placed on caregivers, who often require a break from the additional care and attention their children need—whether attending medical or therapeutic appointments, advocating for their child, and more—we provide a valuable reprieve. Through a safe, fun, and social environment, we create a space for kids to simply be kids. Our inclusive approach, focusing on the entire family, is integral to fulfilling our mission of providing comprehensive respite to parents and caregivers. This enables them to strengthen their family unit while we continue to support and uplift each member.
“Respite Care of Nevada is a literal life changer for our family! We went from one child in foster care to four overnight and it was a lot. Having planned respite gave us the ability to take a few hours every week to relax, regroup and refresh. Especially when they first came to us, they had some big behaviors that were exhausting. It felt hard to not feel comfortable using our usual babysitters at that time but, we felt confident Respite Care of Nevada would be a safe place that could handle the behaviors if they arose. Our kids look forward to it every week and we truly feel unworthy of the care they provide for our kids and ourselves!”
Family Member

Youth, College, and Community Volunteers
Our respite programs are not just important for families caring for children and young adults with special needs, but they also enrich the lives of hundreds of youth volunteers who dedicate thousands of volunteer hours each year to provide quality care to vulnerable children in our communities. Since our establishment, more than 100,000 volunteer hours have been given by youth volunteers in grades 6 through 12. In the program year from July 2022 to June 2023, a total of 247 youth volunteers had hands-on experience and contributed a total of 7,445 hours to our programs. These figures translate to $111,675 worth of in-kind services provided, which enables families caring for children with special needs to take a much-needed break. We now offer volunteer opportunities and hands-on training to college and community volunteers as well.